znz さんからお題を頂いたので、Remember The Milk に登録したタスクを howm の書式でインポートするプログラムを書きました。
[2007-12-11]@ 帰省の切符を買う [2007-12-23]@ [tag1,tag2] example (with due and tags) [2007-12-27]@ 年賀状の投函 = 例1 (without due) = [etc] 例2 (without due but tags) = 例3 (without due or tags) ...
XML を howm の書式に変換するプログラム:
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;; -*- conding: utf-8 -*-
(use gauche.charconv)
(use srfi-1)
(use sxml.ssax)
(use sxml.sxpath)
(define *rtm-output-encoding* "EUC-JP")
(define *rtm-namespace*
'((atom . "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom")
(xhtml . "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")))
(define (entry->title entry)
(and-let* ((t (assq 'atom:title (cdr entry))))
(third t)))
(define entry->items (compose cdr third (lambda (entry) (assq 'atom:content (cdr entry)))))
(define (entry->due entry)
(and-let* ((item (find (lambda (item) (string=? "rtm_due" (item->class item))) (entry->items entry))))
(rxmatch-if (#/(\d+)[年\/-](\d+)[月\/-](\d+)[日\/-]/ (item->value item))
(#f y m d)
(apply format #f "~4,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d" (map x->integer (list y m d)))
(define (find-tags items)
(lambda (cont)
(lambda (item)
(and-let* ((class (item->class item))
((string=? "rtm_tags" class))
(v (item->value item)))
(if (string=? v "なし")
(cont #f)
(cont (string-split v ", ")))))
(define entry->tags (compose find-tags entry->items))
(define item->class (compose second second second))
(define item->title (compose third third))
(define item->value (compose third fourth))
(define (entry->memo entry oport)
(define (f str . params)
(apply format oport (string-append str "\n") params))
(let* ((title (entry->title entry))
(due (entry->due entry))
(tags (entry->tags entry))
(cloud (if tags (format #f "[~a] " (string-join tags ",")) "")))
(if due
(f "[~a]@ ~a~a" due cloud title)
(f "= ~a~a" cloud title))
(define (xml->howm iport oport)
(let* ((proc (sxpath '(// atom:entry)))
(tree (ssax:xml->sxml iport *rtm-namespace*))
(entries (proc tree)))
(for-each (cut entry->memo <> oport) entries)
(define (main args)
(call-with-input-conversion (current-input-port)
(lambda (iport)
(call-with-output-conversion (current-output-port)
(lambda (oport)
(xml->howm iport oport))
:encoding *rtm-output-encoding*))
:encoding "*JP")
Emacs でのコマンドの定義:
(require 'w3m)
(defvar rtm-feed-url-prefix "https://www.rememberthemilk.com/atom/")
(defvar rtm-feed-content-type "application/atom+xml")
(defvar rtm-temporary-file-prefix "/tmp/rtm")
(defvar rtm-convert-program "/home/tabe/bin/rtm2howm.scm")
(defun rtm-retrieve (user)
(interactive "sUser: ")
(catch 'failed
(let ((temp-file (make-temp-file rtm-temporary-file-prefix)))
(set-file-modes temp-file ?\600)
(with-temp-file temp-file
(let ((content-type (w3m-retrieve (concat rtm-feed-url-prefix user "/") nil t)))
(unless (equal rtm-feed-content-type content-type)
(throw 'failed (message "failed.")))))
(call-process rtm-convert-program temp-file t t))
(delete-file temp-file)